KINGMAN – Join Kingman Parks & Recreation for a fun day of hiking! Enjoy the great outdoors on Saturday, March 1, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m! Arrive at 711 N. 4th St. by 9:45 a.m. The guided hike starts at the South Trailhead (Downtown) to North Trailhead (Golf Course, Uptown).
The hike is provided by the City of Kingman trail master employees who helped with making the trails. $10 per person, $35 family of four. Fee includes guided hike, goodie bag, water, snacks, lunch and shuttle service back to the starting point! Kids will receive a golf introduction clinic. Pre-registration before Feb. 26 is required. Register online at or in person at Parks & Recreation, 3333 Harrison St. For more information call 928-757-7919.