Kingman Vice Mayor Travis Lingenfelter has filed a lawsuit against Steve Robinson, the Golden Valley resident who has been working to try to recall him from office. Lingenfelter filed the defamation and libel action naming Robinson as the defendant in Mohave County Superior Court on Feb. 5.
Lingenfelter contends Robinson damaged his reputation as a businessman and an elected official with erroneous Facebook (FB) posts. The Vice Mayor asks that the Court correct actions by Robinson that Lingenfelter labeled as false, malicious, hateful and sophomoric.
“Order Mr. Robinson to remove all libelous, malicious FB posts alleging plaintiff has a fake FB profile called ‘Becky Brooks’,” Lingenfelter said in his Court pleading. “Order Mr. Robinson to issue a public statement of apology, acknowledge his error and that his malicious libel was wrong.”
Libgenfelter included a copy of Brooks’ driver’s license in his pleading in an effort to establish that she is a real person. He also provided a copy of some of Robinson’s FB posts.
“Becky Brooks, you’re really Travis Lingenfelter in drag,” one of Robinson’s posts stated. “He looks awful in a dress.”
Lingenfelter asks that the Court order Robinson to reimburse him for the filing fees and to pay damages for harm to his reputation.