KINGMAN – Father & Daughters of all ages….
Join in for a majestic evening at Lee Williams cafeteria on Saturday, Oct. 21. The Daddy Daughter Dance is a perfect event to create a special and memorable experience for fathers and daughters of all ages.
Dress up, take pictures and dance the night away! Enjoy dancing to all types of music, a dance contest, refreshments, activities and professional photography on-site.
Daughters are able to dance, enjoy arts & crafts, enjoy refreshments, have your picture taken by a professional photography, and experience a night of making memories. The father and daughter couples dance the night away to music from both generations. Tickets are $40 total for each dad and all daughters at the door. 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Photos will be available for purchase after the event for $10. Face painting by Wonderland Painting. The Daddy Daughter Dance is sponsored by the Kingman Rotary Club. Proceeds from this event will be used to benefit Sarah’s House and the Kingman Rotary Youteedsh Scholarship Fund. Each year the Kingman Rotary Club awards over $10,000 in merit-based scholarships to exceptional college-bound youth.