BULLHEAD CITY – The City of Bullhead City is partnering with the WOW Pantry and St. Mary’s Food Bank for their next food distribution event on Friday, April 3, at Rotary Park from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Instead of cancelling April’s event amidst the COVID-19 health crisis, the City of Bullhead City, the WOW Pantry and St. Mary’s Food Bank have come together to mobilize a Crisis Food Distribution service. This event is open to the public and is first come, first serve with each household receiving one pre-packaged box while supplies last.
The WOW Pantry Crisis Food Distribution will be a special ‘no-contact’ drive-thru emergency distribution system at Rotary Park. Signage will be displayed for attendees in vehicles with no-contact distribution instructions clearly marked. Vehicular traffic through Rotary Park on Bella’s Way and Balboa Dr. will be closed from 8 a.m.- 2 p.m. Rotary Park will still be open to users with limited street parking on Lakeside and Riverview.
Anyone with questions about the upcoming WOW Pantry Crisis Food Distribution in partnership with the City can call 928-763-0182.