Dear Editor,
While attending college I was taught to think for myself. Communism and socialism were subjects of discussion. However, indoctrination into either was never the goal of those institutions of higher learning. Granted to this day there are students who will embrace socialistic and democratic ideals as well as conservative ones.
I have to say I am in total agreement with the writer of the “Take Over America” letter, in the July 22 edition of The Standard; especially the part about the “Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.” My fellow citizens, consider that accomplished with the election of the current White House occupant. Trump has to be the most divisive president ever to hold this esteemed position. In three and a half years he has instilled more animas in Americans than imaginable. Seems Trump places more faith in Vladimir Putin’s claim of innocence over interference in election meddling than his own intelligence team. Remember it was the president who asserted, “I believe him.” (Putin)
The most shocking realization is there are still many who, in spite of Trump’s deliberately dividing the populace and the constant lying, will cast a vote for this man in the upcoming election. Considering the litany of cultural standards and biblical edicts which must be done away with, according to the writer of the (Take Over) text, one glaring omission exists, that would be the one concerning adultery.
Lloyd Dickson