Dear Editor,
The city of Kingman, is holding the second consecutive year of the observation of the International Day of Peace! The event will be Saturday September 21, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Lewis Kingman Park, 2201 Andy Devine. This year’s UN theme is “Climate Action For Peace.” Join us and bring your own peace signs, a lawn chair and your peaceful thoughts and wishes! To find out more use search engine and enter ‘international day of peace’ or call Chris at 928-757-4616 or email
This event is a peace rally not a partisan antiwar event but rather a peace event since peace is an easily agreed upon goal! It is eagerly anticipated that this will become an annual event always held on 9/21 as designated by the UN. This event is complete with city park permit and police notification as well.
The event’s activities include a local Buddhist guest will be speaking on the Buddhist tradition and the meaningfulness of peace; anticipation of environmental guest speaker; at the event attendees are invited to make and display prayer/peace flags in the Tibetan tradition.
Materials will be provided for “peace face painting” by Nola L and her daughter Cheyla painting both faces of children and ‘young at heart’ adults alike, recycled peace buttons available while supply lasts; CD peace music organized and burned on CD by Alan W.; the music and announcements through the use of audio equipment furnished by Patricia C.; as near as possible a noon bell-ringing ceremony; Sharon W. has provided ongoing enthusiastic support and suggestions plus the use of her pop-up tent/bell/and ideas; plus volunteer community members who hung fliers around town to advertise the event! Thank you to everyone for all your help and support to include potential event attendees! This is indeed a community event! Hope to see you at the old dog park on Andy Devine 9/21/19.
People who are unable to attend this rally on Saturday 9/21 are asked to cease their activity at noon and silently reflect for one minute on peace. This peace focus may then encircle our bruised world with thoughts and peace energy for a full 24 hour period of time. This coordinated and simple action is a powerful message of hope and the impact of millions of people in all parts of the world, coming together for one day of peace is profound as we silently send good peaceful energy to our battered world for one minute. This global effort is to demonstrate that, although peace is elusive, it IS possible, and worthy of recognition and observation. Doves of peace flutter unceasingly nearby to carry humanity’s wish for peace forward. As a side issue, 9/21 is interestingly also the autumnal equinox as well. Further, there is a national climate change event spanning 9/20 – 27 kicking off with a global climate strike scheduled for 9/20. Online, go to for more information.
In 1981 the UN declared an annual global International Day of Peace to be observed in the month of September. In 2002, September 21, was established as the permanent date for this important observation. UN discussions included declaration for global ceasefire and a non-violence as well. Formal observation of this day coincides with the opening ceremony of the UN and occurs at noon on September 21. It is marked by the ringing of a bell followed by a minute of silence. The bell that’s rung was a gift from Japanese children-made bell from coins donated from children around the world. The bell’s inscription reads, “Long live absolute world peace.” This gift serves as “a reminder of the human cost of war.”
A commonly accepted symbolic color for peace is blue and the peace dove flying with an olive branch in its beak as shown above and fliers posted around town. In Jewish, Christian, and Islam traditions a white dove symbolizes peace. In other traditions the dove also represent “hope for peace” or a peace offering from one person to another, hence the phrase “to extend an olive branch”. The dove is often represented as still in flight to remind people of its role as messenger.
Peace Day reminds people worldwide of the UN’s mission, which remains a commitment to peace. The UN stated goals for this day are:
“Peace day is devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples. This day will serve as a reminder to all peoples that our organization, with all its limitations, is a living instrument in the service of peace and will serve all of us here within the organization as a constantly pealing bell reminding us that our permanent commitment, above all interests or differences of any kind, is to peace.” UN International Day of Peace’s mission is simple: May Peace prevail on earth far & wide to embrace the lands and people of this Earth.
Christine M. Meisenheimer Ph.D., Kingman