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Limiting God

The Scriptures declare the Omnipotence of God! He is the Great I Am, the Almighty, the All-Powerful God! There is nothing impossible to Him, or for Him; He is able to do all things He purposes to do.

How comforting to know that our heavenly Father is able to conquer every foe, to heal every disease, and to provide for every need and to answer every prayer. God is not bound by time or space; nor it He limited by resources. God is all sufficient, for His sufficiency is in Himself.

In the 78th Psalm there is a verse that many would find startling in light of what they know to be true concerning the power of God. The verse reads, “Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.” (Psalm 78:41)

Israel, as a nation, was God’s chose people. He had lavished upon them His blessings; providing for them, protecting them and leading them through the wilderness with His visible presence as a pillar of fire by night, and a cloud by day. The truth remains that God would have blessed them even more, but they often rejected His leading, refusing the believe and obey Him. Thus, they limited God in what He wanted to do for the people He loved.

Today, we might ask ourselves this question: “Do we often limit God in what He desires to do for us?” If so, in what way?

Do we limit Him by our failure to pray? God has set forth certain specific conditions in the matter of prayer. If we would realize the power of answered prayer, we must meet those conditions. Then, too, we often fail to pray altogether.

James the half-brother of our Lord, wrote to Christians suffering under persecution. There is no doubt but that many times they questioned the providential care of God, such as many have asked today, in light of recent tragedies that have plagued our nation. They may have asked questions as:

“Does God not care that we suffer?”

“Where is God when we need Him the most?”

“Does God still love us?”

“Is God even aware of my need?”

The answer to every question is a simple “Yes!” God certainly does care. He loves us and is always aware of our hurts and needs. So we must ask, “Do we have not, because we ask you not?” (James 4:2)

Our Father is a generous God who delights in bestowing blessings on His children; though there are many times He waits to bestow those blessings unto we ask of Him. So, what are we waiting for? Could it be that we think God is unwilling to answer our prayer? Perhaps we question whether or not God would even be concerned with our request? Well, He is!

Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance, but prayer is laying hold of God’s willingness. In the midst of life’s storms, never doubt that God loves you. He is willing to come to you, deliver you and see you safely to the other side. May your prayers be answered according to God’s will, and may you discover just how much God wants to give to you, if you will not limit His work in your life.

  • Pastor Jerry L. Dunn, Oak Street Baptist Church

0 thoughts on “Limiting God

  1. Thank you, Pastor. My daily devotional is the book “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers, first published in 1935. Thank you for your article today.

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