KINGMAN – The Kathryn Heidenreich Adult Center (KHAC) is sponsoring a Senior Angel Tree Program to help provide a ‘Merry Christmas’ for the elderly in the community who will be alone during the holiday season. KHAC is requesting assistance with this program. The Angel Tree is located at KHAC, 1776 Airway Ave.
Pick up one or more angel tags from the tree. Purchase one of more of the gift ideas on the back of the tag. Alternate gifts are also acceptable as long as there are no allergies. The total amount spent is up to you and your budget. Return the tag and the items unwrapped to KHAC on or before Tuesday, Dec. 17.
KHAC is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For information or alternate locations to pick up a tag call 928-757-2778.