Dear Editor,
As the week unfolded this pandemic we, as a nation, are facing decisions that need to be faced. Although we’ve had hardships and death, we see that there are those who are true heroes and those who are selfish and uncaring. I’m not talking about those on the front lines, nothing will replace the sacrafice they are making to help keep us safe but those who chose to profit in our nation’s time of need. Greed will never win. The time has come for our Nation to return to our roots. God.
I’m reminded of an experiment that involved the study of monkeys. As this experiment goes, the scientists put the monkey’s favorite snack in a jar where as long as his hand was open he could reach the treat in the jar but when he tried to take his hand out with the treat, he could not. The answer was simple, open his hand and tip the jar for the treat. His greed had the best of him because he refused to let go of the treat and as such, his hand swelled, and it was harder to remove his hand. In the long run, he lost it all.
Such will be for those who continue to hoard the needed supplies to keep us safe and try to profit off of this crisis. We must supply those with what they need to save lives. People have good in them. There is no need for people to hoard and try to profit off of this crisis. This is America. The land of plenty. It will take time but we will recover. Remember, this evil pandemic is no joke. People are dying. We need God and Country to come together with prayer and wisdom and remove the mentality of ME first.
In God We Must Trust.
Sally Morisset
Golden Valley, AZ