Dear Editor,
This is in response to the 1-5-22 letter titled “Gosar Hypocritical?”
I don’t think it was Jen Miles who didn’t do her homework. The author of this letter has obviously done no homework.
First, I would like to clarify (before I am labeled by hate) that I am a registered independent. I vote policy, not personality. I actually do a lot of homework before casting my vote.
The author is worried about the country having an “alternative to a democratic government.” It’s too late to worry about that because that’s what we have now under this regime. They have systematically been dismantling this country for years, using hate to divide the country. They were well on their way to fundamentally changing the USA into a Socialist/Communist country when Trump came along and threw a monkey-wrench into their plans. That’s when the rhetoric was ramped up and the propaganda became constant hate.
The amount of damage that has been done in one short year is overwhelming. My fear is that the Constitution and the principles this country was built on will no longer exist this time next year.
So I would like to request that everyone do their homework. There is always more than one way to look at any subject. We have many references available today. Most of the mainstream news stations are funded by people like George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg. There are also independent stations. There are news articles on the internet. Don’t take one side before listening to all of the facts. And don’t accept what you are told is a fact until you have done your own investigation.
If you do your homework, you will find that the current party in power is the most hypocritical in history.
Diana Brown
No Diane most msn isn’t owned by Soros and Zuck. Those are actually owned by right wing people like the Sinclair’s and Murdoch. Gosar, as well as Biggs, have been shown to have participated in planning and execution of the insurrection. Additionally, Gosar is showing physical signs of some sort of neurological impairment. but do yammer on about doing research.
No Diane most msn isn’t owned by Soros and Zuck. Those are actually owned by right wing people like the Sinclair’s and Murdoch. Gosar, as well as Biggs, have been shown to have participated in planning and execution of the insurrection. Additionally, Gosar is showing physical signs of some sort of neurological impairment. but do yammer on about doing research.