MOHAVE COUNTY – Sheriff Doug Schuster is pleased to announce that the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office has received funding from the Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety to purchase an all-terrain side-by-side vehicle. The chosen ATV, a Polaris General XP 1000, will be purchased for $29,126.32, using the awarded grant funds made possible by the passing of Proposition 207.
The ATV will be utilized for multiple purposes throughout Mohave County. It will aid deputies in responding to remote off-road incidents and other emergencies in areas otherwise inaccessible by patrol vehicles. This ATV will be used for rapid response to off-road crashes, medical assists, Search and Rescue missions, and off-road law enforcement. Having the ability to access remote areas with an ATV will greatly minimize potential damage to patrol vehicles.
The four-seater ATV will be able to accommodate one to two deputies, with plenty of room for potential passengers in need of transport. It will be clearly marked as a Sheriff’s Office vehicle and will be outfitted with all the necessary equipment.