BULLHEAD CITY – January 28 through January 31, 150 participants from around the country gathered in Bullhead City, attending the Arizona Fire and Burn Educators Association (AFBEA) annual Risk Reduction through Education and Characterization Conference.
The conference focused on Community Risk Reduction education and provided an opportunity for fire and life safety professionals to develop new programs, network with other CRR educators providing a forum for exchanging ideas, tips, and suggestions for those involved in the front-line delivery of Community Risk Reduction.
Students at Mohave Accelerate Learning Center were treated to a Fire and Life Safety clown show on Tuesday, January 28. The Lake-town Clownz, from Little Elm, Texas, performed sharing important safety lessons with students. Using slapstick comedy, the clowns were able to convey serious information and messages that children can relate to. Lessons included EDITH (exit drills in the home), smoke alarm safety, the importance of getting low under smoke and how to properly call 911 from a cell phone in an emergency situation