LAKE MEAD NRA – The following Lake Mead National Recreation Area events are happening Oct. 26 through Nov. 29.
BBSC Pumpkinman Triathlon, Oct 26
Around 900 triathletes will race though Lake Mead National Recreation Area Oct. 26 for the BBSC Pumpkinman Triathlon. The swim portion of the race takes place at Boulder Beach. Then, athletes will bike along Lakeshore Roads and the River Mountains Loop Trail into Boulder City. Visitors to the park may experience delays. During the race, the bicycle course is an open road. Please use caution when driving alongside cyclists. Cyclists are reminded that they must bike in single file on the roadways. For more information on this permitted event, vis
Life in Death Festival, Nov 1 – 2
Join rangers at the Life in Death Festival Nov. 1 and 2 at the Winchester Cultural Center in Las Vegas. The festival will feature a variety of ofrendas, or altars built by families in memory of deceased relatives, including a Southern Nevada Agency Partnership ofrenda, honoring those who have been heroes in conservation. For more information, call the Winchester Cultural Center at 702-455-7340.
Ranger Hike: Fisherman’s Trail, Nov 2
Join a ranger at 9 a.m. PST Nov. 2 at Katherine Landing for a guided hike through granite hills and sand dunes to a picturesque beach. This easy two-mile hike will have views of the Katherine Landing Marina, Newberry Mountains and Davis Dam. For more information and to make a reservation, call 702-293-8990.
Fee Free Day, Nov 11
Entrance fees will be waived at Lake Mead National Recreation Area Nov. 11 for Veterans’ Day. Fees for camping, lake use or use of concessions still apply.
Ranger Hike: Liberty Bell Arch, Nov 16
Join a ranger at 10 a.m. MST Nov. 16 for a hike to Liberty Bell Arch and a Black Canyon rim view of the Colorado River. This is a moderately strenuous 5.5-mile round-trip hike. For more information and to make a reservation, call 702-293-8990.
Ranger Program: Owl Canyon Night Hike, Nov 23
Join a ranger for a night hike at 4:30 p.m. PST Nov. 23 through Owl Canyon. Enjoy a moonless night while learning about the night sky. This is a moderate 2.2-mile round-trip hike. For more information and to make a reservation, call 702-293-8990.
Volunteer Event: Jumbo Wash Cleanup, Nov 23
Join park staff to remove vegetation and litter from the Jumbo Wash area. Volunteers will be hauling cut vegetation to a dumpster nearby. Registration is limited to 30 people. For more information and to make a reservation, call 702-293-8714 or email
BBSC Turkey Trot, Nov 28
Around 900 athletes will race through Lake Mead National Recreation Area Nov. 28 for the annual Turkey Trot. Visitors to Lake Mead may experience delays along Lakeshore Road. To view the course map or for more information on this permitted event, visit
Ranger Program: Arizona Hot Springs and White Rock Canyon Loop, Nov 29
Opt Outside with a ranger, at 10 a.m. MST Nov. 29 for a strenuous hike down White Rock Canyon, then looping up through Arizona Hot Spring. Participants will hike for a round-trip total of 6.5 miles past granite boulders to the Colorado River, then climb a 20-foot ladder and hike through natural hot springs back to the trailhead. For more information and to make a reservation, call 702-293-8990.