Dear Editor,

Will you help “Make America Great Again”? Please go to the Mohave County Elections office, and request papers to be an elected Republican precinct committeeman. Just collect 10 signatures of registered Republicans in your neighborhood precinct and turn them in by 5pm on April 1st. That’s it. Then you will be able to be part of the team fighting to protect our Republic. Join me today, there’s not much time left. Per an official letter sent out by MCRCC, it appears that the Mohave County Central Committee is trying to rig the precinct committeeman election in favor of people with a certain mindset by wrongly telling current PCs that the deadline was March 6th instead of April 1st, and to turn their candidate paperwork into the Party district directors instead of the County Elections Department. So get your Republican friends together to pull papers from the office at the County building or download them from the Elections Department website and find out your precinct number, and then have a get together so that everyone in your precinct can sign each others petitions. And yes, you can sign your own! You can do this in a single day, so there’s still time. We need all hands on deck and every open PC slot needs to be filled. Usually there are not enough candidates to fill the available positions and candidates are simply “deemed elected”. Help get boots on the ground so “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”. Don’t let MCRCC get away with misleading people into thinking its too late when it isn’t. Any questions, just contact the Mohave County Elections Department at: (928) 753-0733.

United we stand.

Jennifer Esposito

Candidate for District 4 Supervisor