Hope City Church Youth and youth leaders enjoying KidCon2019.

Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6, the Hope City (HC) Youth ministry and youth group of Kingman traveled to Mesa to participate in KidCon19.

KidCon19 is a one-of-a-kind experience where kids can encounter God in an unforgettable way. KidCon is held at Without Walls Church and was created for kids from kindergarten through sixth grades. Kids came from all over Arizona to participate in a fun, life changing weekend.

“It’s an overnight convention for kids and they get there Friday night, eat dinner and then they have an awesome worship. There’s about 1,000 kids and leaders at this event and all of HC churches in Arizona attend. It’s like church pumped up on steroids. They have big games and great messages. Then on Friday night they have, in the courtyard, inflatables, dodgeball and Dj’s and that party goes on for about an hour and a half. Then they go to a church and sleep and go back the next morning and there’s another big service. We get to do a serve project, where the kids get to put together something for a mission’s need. This year they’re making blankets for foster care in Arizona. We take an offering for missions for kids and then we have another service and at 12:30 we go home. It’s lots of fun,” says Lynette Roggero, youth pastor at Hope City Church in Kingman.

Hope City Church has two services every Sunday at 9 and 11 a.m. with upcoming events to grow as a church and community. Some of those events are Good Friday service April 19 at 7 p.m., and Easter Sunday services at 5:45 a.m. sunrise service, 9 and 11 a.m. services.

For more information, contact Hope City Church at 928-753-3529 or by email at infokfaonline.org.

– Jasmine Duhon