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		<title>PART 3 &#8211; Addressing The Silver Tsunami: Taking Action &#038; Preparation</title>
		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Pam Wanner]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Wed, 26 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Letters to the Editor]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Silver Tsunami]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://thestandardnewspaper.online/?p=48666</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Dear Editor,
The Silver Tsunami, symbolizing the wave of aging baby boomers entering retirement, poses multifaceted challenges for city municipalities.
As we continue to explore the implications of the Silver Tsunami, it is essential to focus on what individuals can do to mitigate the challenges ahead. While we wait for larger systemic changes, there are several proactive measures that we can take to ensure a better quality of life for our seniors and ourselves.]]></description>
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